Sunday, 22 February 2015

Asanas (Postures) and Pranayama

This blog only mean to introduce a few simple asanas (postures) useful for beginners in Yoga. Pranayamas described here are only two-three kinds. But doing these asnas and Pranayama regularly in a systematic manner, will serve our purpose cent percent. This is my friendly assurance to you.

It will take 6 to 8 weeks for a normal individual to study all the asanas described here. In the beginning set a time table for 1 hour and start practising systematically. You can keep up with this one hour time even after you have gained mastery in the asanas. But if you are a busy person, only take selected asanas and do for half an hour. But do it regularly, with full dedication. If you have any disease like fever, do not do yoga till it is get fully cured. One thing to be remembered is that yoga is not to be stopped after doing for a week or a month. It is something to be practised throughout life.

Early morning, the time of sun rise, is the most appropriate time to do Yoga. But those who have no time can do in the evening also, before dusk. Spread a thick, large mattress (bed sheet) over the ground, sit in it facing East or South and start doing.

Sit in Padmaasana (Lotus Posture) which I have described elsewhere ( and do Dhyana and Prayer for 10 minutes and then enter into other postures. Some other sitting asanas like Sukhasana, swasthikasana etc. have been left out, because Padmasana will substitute all those.

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