Thursday, 5 February 2015

Salabhasana (Locust Posture)


                                             Ardha Salabhasana

Locusts while flying hold their hind legs and wings extended backwards. This asana is an imitation of that posture.

Lie down straight on your front side. Stretch the two legs back and place them close together with the two heels touching each other. The toes should be pointed back, in such a way that the soles of the feet face upwards. Both hands are pointing back and placed close to the body with fist of both clenched, palms facing upward. Let the forehead and nose touch the mattress. (In picture above the fists are not clenched)

Inhale and lift one leg without bending the knees. Do not raise the upper portion of the body. Hold in the position for 1-2 seconds, exhale and lower the leg and place it in the former position. Repeat with the other leg. Do it three to five times with each legs.

                                              Poorna Salabhasana


A beginner should do Ardha Salabhasana for a few days and then begin with Poorna Salabhasana. Here instead of your forehead, the chin and lips should touch the mat. Otherwise the beginning of the posture is same as that of Ardha Salabhasana.
Take some breath (not more) and lift both legs together without bending knees. Do not raise the upper portion and shoulders and the hands should not change position. Now the portion  of body up to the navel is pressed on the mattress. Hold for 1-2 minutes, exhale and place the legs in former position.

While doing this asana one may experience panting. Then lie down in Savasana till the fatigue is over. Do this asana 2 to 5 times.

Benefits:- This asana enhances the activity of digestive enzymes. The back bone and heart becomes stronger. For those who have irregular motion problem it is a best cure. In addition, it strengthens internal organs like liver, intestines, pancreas and kidney. For the malfunctioning of adrenal and prostrate glands this asana is suggested. Some people will have a curved back bone. They walk slightly stooping. This asana straightens vertebral column. People doing this asana regularly will not have piles.

Caution:-People having Peptic Ulcer, Hernia, heart complaints should avoid this asana

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