Saturday, 7 February 2015

Yoga Mudra


This is just another Mudra that has got immense importance in Yogasasthra. This is done by sitting in Padmasana. Sit in Padmasana, take breath normally for 2-3 times. Keep the entire body relaxed without any strain anywhere. Take both hands back; hold the wrist of the left hand with the right hand. Keep the fingers of the left hand folded. Place both hands, straight, on the hip. Keep the whole body relaxed

Take deep breath, hold for 2 seconds. Release breath and simultaneously bend the whole body forward and touch the fore-head on the surface. At this stage the breath is fully released and lungs are empty. (The hip should not rise up during bending. It should be firmly fixed on the mattress-see picture)

Keep for 2 seconds, take breath and come to the initial state.

In the beginning many people will not be able to touch the ground with their fore-head. But, by a few days practice the back bone becomes more flexible and you will be able to do the asana without much effort.

Do not try to touch your fore-head forcefully on the ground. It may do harm like painful jerking of the hip joint. Yoga is not a Circus. Through the asanas we are making the body more flexible and it is a gradual process.


1.It is a cure for a number of stomach related ailments.

2. A best asana for curing digestive disorders and constipation.

3. The back muscles, blood vessels and nerve endings become stronger.

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