Ardha Pavan Mukthasana
Ardha Pavann Mukthasana
Stretch on the mattress with
body straight, and the legs kept close. The hands, stretched, should be kept
on either side with palms facing down. Lift one leg bending the knee and bring
towards the stomach. Now cross the
fingers of both hands and hold below the knee, as a support (lock), and pull the leg
close to the stomach. At this stage take
in breath and lift the head, bring forward and touch the forehead on the knee.
Keep the position for 1 minute, release breath and come to the initial
position. Do with the other leg. Each leg 10 times. (See the picture).
(The beginners may find it a bit difficult to do this asana. Do not try to
forcibly touch the knee with the forehead. A few days practice will make the
back bone more flexible and you can do the asana easily. For those having pot
belly doing this asana is really cumbersome. However, they can also have a try
to reduce belly)
Poorna Pavan Mukthasana
Poorna Pavan Mukthasana
The procedure is same as
above. Lift both legs at the same time with knees folded, giving support with hands (see picture). Take in
breath, lift the head and touch the forehead in between the knees. Keep for 1
minute and come to the initial position, releasing breath.
word ‘pavan’ means air, gas etc. Inside the body during the process of
digestion a lot of gas is formed. This will go out in normal cases. In some
people the gas remains within the digestive tract causing flatulence, belching,
stomach pain, loss of appetite etc. It is often referred to as ‘gas trouble. ’Doing this asana for 1
week will remove the entire gas problem.
2. The back bone and the associated muscles get strengthened.
3. The entire digestive system starts functioning normally.
4. Persons dong this asana regularly will not have back pain, joint pain, hip pain etc.
5. A best cure for pot belly.
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